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Dental Clinics - Oral care at the consultation center
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How does the healthcare system work in the Netherlands?

The Dutch healthcare system is accessible to all Dutch residents. However, everyone who lives or works in the Netherlands must take out basic insurance (the basic package) for care. This insurance covers standard care from, for example, the family doctor, hospital or pharmacy.

In addition, you can take out supplementary insurance. This insurance covers (part of) the care that is not included in the basic package. This is, for example, extra reimbursement for treatment at the dentist or skin therapist.

For more information on the healthcare system, visit the central government website.

Affordable dental care in the Netherlands

The basic package covers a comprehensive package of dental treatments for insured persons up to age 18. These include periodic checkups, fillings and surgical dental care.

For insured persons over the age of 18, the basic insurance covers the cost of surgical dental care, x-ray examinations and removable dentures. Periodic check-ups are not included in the basic package for this group.

Want to know exactly which dental treatments are reimbursed? On your insurance policy you will find the complete overview. This is because the exact reimbursement varies by health insurer.

Dental Clinics - dental care in the Netherlands

Dental costs

Exactly how much dental treatment costs depends on the type of treatment and the dental practice you choose. For regular checkups, costs are relatively low; more complex treatments, such as implants or braces, are more expensive.

Many dental practices use the dental rates set by the Dutch Healthcare Authority (NZa), which means prices are equal between practices.

Treatments at the dentist

Many dental practices offer a wide range of dental treatments, such as teeth cleaning, cavity filling and implant placement. Many treatments that are common in the Netherlands are:

  • Teeth cleaning (oral hygiene): in this treatment, an oral hygienist or (paro-)prevention assistant cleans your teeth by removing plaque and tartar. This is how you keep your mouth healthy. It is important to visit the dental hygienist or (paro-)prevention assistant regularly to prevent gum disease and caries (cavities).
  • Teeth whitening: more and more people are choosing to have their teeth whitened for brighter and whiter teeth. This is an aesthetic treatment performed under the supervision of a dentist or dental hygienist. This can be done at home or at a dental office.
  • Tooth or (wisdom) tooth extraction: sometimes it is necessary to remove a tooth, such as in cases of severe caries or if there is not enough space in the mouth. This is usually done under local anesthesia.
  • Implant: a dental implant is a popular solution for replacing a missing tooth. The implant is placed in the jawbone and serves as the base for a crown, bridge or dentures.

Family Dentist

What is the composition of your household? For example, do you have one or more children? Then it is advisable to register your entire family with one dentist. A "family dentist" provides care to patients of all ages: from young children to the elderly. This means that everyone in a household can go to the same dental office.

This has a number of advantages:

  • Continuity of care: a family dentist builds a long-term relationship with the entire family, making him or her better able to know and follow each patient's dental history.
  • Convenience: in many cases, the whole family can attend appointments all at once - consecutively. This saves time and effort.
  • Child-friendly: some children are afraid of the dentist. At a family dentist, the dentists often have experience working with children. They put children at ease, often relegating dental anxiety to the background.
Children at the dentist - Dental Clinics

Dental care for children in the Netherlands

Children in the Netherlands are encouraged to visit the dentist regularly from an early age. Most dental treatments for children up to age 18 are fully reimbursed under the basic health insurance. These include periodic checkups, the placement of fillings and a visit to the oral hygienist.

Frequently asked questions about dental care in the Netherlands

Finding a dentist that suits you and your needs can be done in the following ways:

  • Search online: use online search engines to find dental practices. It is advisable to find a dental practice near you.
  • Read reviews: online reviews from other patients can give you a good idea of the quality of oral health care at a particular practice.
  • Ask for recommendations: ask friends, family or acquaintances which dentist they have and whether they recommend this dentist.

If you are not satisfied with your current dentist, you can switch to another dentist very easily. You do not need to ask your current dentist for permission to do so.

  • Find a new dentist: find a new dental practice in your area that is still accepting patients. You can do this through online search engines or by asking friends and family for recommendations.
  • Register with the new dentist: contact the new practice to register. They will ask you to provide your information and often ask for permission to request your dental records from your old dentist.
  • Inform your old dentist: although it is not mandatory, it is polite to inform your old dentist that you are switching practices. You don't have to give a reason for this if you don't want to.

It is important to first apply for a citizen service number (BSN). This can be done at the municipality where you are registered. With the BSN you can take out health insurance. Among other things, you must also transfer your passport/ID number and other personal data, such as your bank account. You are free to choose which insurer you want to go with.

Are you looking for an international health insurer? If so, there are several options in the Netherlands:

 Once you have followed the above steps, you can register with a dental practice of your choice.

Dental insurance is a supplementary insurance that you can purchase in addition to your basic health insurance. Dental insurance covers (in part) the cost of dental treatments. Which treatments these are depends on the insurance you choose.

So when choosing dental insurance, it is important to pay close attention to reimbursement rates, annual maximums and which treatments are covered.

There are several websites where you can find more information about dental care in the Netherlands:


  1. Website of your health insurer: most health insurers have extensive information on their website about dental care coverage. Here you will also find details on reimbursements and how to purchase dental insurance.
  2. The Royal Dutch Dental Association (KNMT): the KNMT is the professional organization of dentists in the Netherlands. On their website( you can find a lot of information about dental care, finding a dentist and what to expect during a visit to the dentist.
  3. Rijksoverheid: the Rijksoverheid website( provides information about health care in the Netherlands, including the rules and laws that apply to dental care.
  4. Netherlands Healthcare Authority (NZa): The NZa sets the rates for dental treatments. On their website( you can find information about the cost of treatments and the rules regarding rates.
  5. Your dental practice: many dental practices have their own websites with detailed information about treatments offered, costs, hours of operation and special services such as urgent care. You can also often make an appointment online or contact them for specific questions.
  6. Consumers' Association: the Consumers' Association offers independent information and comparisons of health insurance, including dental insurance. This can be useful if you want to learn more about the best options for your specific situation.


By using these resources, you can properly inform yourself about how dental care in the Netherlands works and what to expect.